Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wood Burning Fire Pits a Health Concern Go Natural Gas Instead

landscaping idea
So I came across this article on how wood burning fire pits are a hazard to out health. Turns out, wood burning fire pits are more dangerous than cigarette smoke! Who knew? Apparently there have been studies done on the effects of second hand cigarette smoke versus smoke produced from burning wood and the effects are more dangerous than I had initially thought.

According to Clean Air Revival, "each [wood burning] fire will emit close to one pound of smoke pollution" and that "every pound of wood burned costs society $2.00 in health expense (Hall-Fairley)." Thats a lot of pollution.

According to the report, wood smoke is chemically active in the body forty times longer than tobacco smoke, is twelve times more carcinogenic than tobacco smoke and reduces the bodys immune mechanisms by 20-40% against fighting infections.

On top of the health concerns, the carbon dioxide emitted from wood burning smoke is bad for the environment. So why spout about the dangers of wood burning fires? Because propane or natural gas fire pits create less of a negative carbon footprint, are easier to maintain, and are less harmful to to the environment and your health than wood burning fires. So while outdoor custom fire pits are a hot trend in modern landscape design, it is wise to think about the benefits of a gas burning system versus a wood burning system. Here are 5 reasons why gas fire burning systems are superior to wood burning pits.

Please check out the links and be sure to check us out when you are thinking about upgrading your outdoor living space with a fire pit.

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